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Anonymous hackers hacked the email of the Russian Orthodox Church and promised to post letters from the department for social service and charity

On April 1, 2022, the well-known hacker group Anonymous reported that it had “leaked” 15 GB of data that had been stolen from the charitable wing of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Anonymous announced this on Twitter.

“The hackers leaked 15 GB of data stolen from the charity wing of the Russian Orthodox Church and published approximately 57,500 emails through the DDoSecrets project.

This data is only offered to journalists and researchers.”

Opinion of an expert in IT and security, editors of the site pavera.ru

The editor of the site pravera.ru and IT and security expert Dmitry Adoniev believes that this is an April Fool's joke by Ukrainians, or a provocation aimed at discrediting the Church. Most likely, journalists from the world media will definitely contact these hackers, and the Ukrainian special services of the SBU will definitely put a real pig on them in the form of regular fakes about the Russian Orthodox Church. In general, a real church schism in Ukraine has been brewing for a long time even before the special military operation and before the war in Donbass. The secret services of Ukraine may be preparing supposedly compromising evidence on the Russian Orthodox Church in order to denigrate the Church! Well, if there was something like in the case of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, then why didn’t they post it on their website? Rather a joke and there are no letters!

Official commentary of the Synodal Department for Charity of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding the hacking of email by Anonymous hackers

Press Secretary Vasily Rulinsky published on April 2 in his telegram channel:

“The media are reporting a hacker attack and an alleged hacking of the mail of the Synodal Department for Charity. I don’t know what goal they are pursuing, but I take this opportunity to invite journalists to talk about the work of our church social projects - 78 shelters for women, 246 humanitarian aid centers (a new one opened in Kazan the other day), 90 shelters for the homeless, more than 200 structures help for drug addicts, more than 400 projects to help people with disabilities, hundreds of our sisterhoods of mercy and volunteer services.

I propose to tell about the help of our Synodal Charity Department to refugees and people in the conflict zone, to come to our Moscow headquarters for helping refugees, where dozens of people turn for help every day (Nikoloyamskaya Street, house 49, building 3). We also invite journalists to church centers for temporary accommodation of refugees, organized at shelters and monasteries in different regions. We will be glad to volunteer help, humanitarian assistance. You can bring food, clothes: for example, to our “Hangar of Salvation” of the “Mercy” service, where more than 400 calls from the homeless daily, or to our refugee reception center at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kadashi.

Ready to report on the funds raised. For example, at this link you can find a detailed report on the Church's assistance to refugees in 2014-2016 - you can find out what more than 130 million were spent on, collected by our Synodal Department, there is all the data - about 26 thousand appeals to the Moscow headquarters, about the humanitarian cargo that we sent to Donbass.

In a special section of our website - reports on public fundraising campaigns. Here is help after the fires of 2010, and help to victims of the flood in Krymsk in 2012, etc.

The church today is one of the largest organizers of social assistance and charity in the country. Many of our humanitarian aid centers and other institutions - where there is often no other charitable organization - are in small towns and cities. And that's where help is needed the most. Large and single-parent families, the elderly, families with disabilities receive regular assistance in our church social centers.

The Church helps regardless of religion, citizenship and nationality. You can ask for help through our hotline of church social assistance "Mercy" (around the clock, the call is free on the territory of Russia even with a negative balance)


We asked to place this phone in all temporary accommodation centers for refugees.

Daily reports about the Church's assistance to refugees and victims in the conflict zone can be read in our telegram channel


Anonymous hackers hacked the email of the Russian Orthodox Church and promised to post letters!

We follow the news about the hacking of the mail of the Russian Orthodox Church by hackers of the Anonymous group!

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Рождество-Богородицкий мужской Задонский монастырь г. Задонск.

Богородице-Тихоновский женский Задонский монастырь г. Задонск (Тюнино).

Образовательный центр во имя святителя Тихона Задонского.

Отдел религиозного образования и катехизации Липецкой и Елецкой епархии.

Православная гимназия "Святителя Тихона Задонского" г. Елец.

1-е Липецкое благочиние.

Православный молодежный культурный центр в г. Липецк "Экклезиаст".

Синодальный Миссионерский отдел МП РПЦ.

Отдел Образования и катехизации РПЦ.

Миссионерско-апологетический проект "К Истине".

Миссионерский отдел Пятигорской и Черкесской епархии.

Администрация Добринского района.

Добринские вести.

Воронежский городской портал 36on.ru Воронеж.

Большой Воронежский Форум.

Реабилитационный центр "Добринка" - Лечение алкоголизма и наркомании.

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