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War in Ukraine 2022On February 24, 2022, not a war began in Ukraine, but a special military operation! And Russia did not attack the Ukrainians! The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gave a decree because the Russians had no choice! So in order! In 1930, 21-year-old fascist Stepan Bandera, formerly named Stefan, a Jew, joined the OUN criminal group. In 1940, Ukrainians began to serve Hitler's German Nazis. After the collapse of the USSR, active propaganda against Russia began. In 2014, after the Maidan, the Russian language and culture began to be destroyed publicly and officially. 50 children's summer paramilitary camps were created to educate future fascists. Over the past 10 years, several radical movements have appeared on the territory of Ukraine, such as Azov and the Right Sector (extremist organizations banned in the Russian Federation). Every year, Ukrainians celebrated the Independence Day of Ukraine (Square) and always shouted that death to Muscovites meant Russians. Since corrupt officials and oligarchs were stealing money from Crimea and Donbass, in 2014, at a convenient moment during the Maidan, they decided to secede from Ukraine, since the Kyiv authorities did not invest money in the development of the infrastructure of Crimea and Donbass. Crimea managed to join Russia. And the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics did not have time to do this. Ukraine began to bomb the traitors of the DPR and LPR. But very strange things also happened on the territory of Ukraine itself. Ukrainian Nazis destroyed churches of the Russian Orthodox Church, killed priests. The Nazis also robbed and killed innocent civilians on the territory of Ukraine. There is a unique video on YouTube, as a man in camouflage declares that they are soldiers of the battalion, so they are fighting against the evil spirits of Moscow and for complicity with separatism. The video shows Donbass militiaman Nikita, who was crucified, nailed to a wooden cross, and then burned alive. This video was recorded in 2014 during the war in Donbass to intimidate militias and Russian volunteers. In every city of Ukraine there is a street in honor of the fascist Stepan Bandera. Recently, Ukrainian Nazis have been destroying monuments to the Russian communist leader Vladimir Lenin. For eight years the world looked at this war and was silent. The normal president was until 2014 Yanukovych! But he was betrayed and the jackals staged a revolution. Under Poroshenko, more than 100 NATO warehouses and bases were created on the territory of Ukraine. For the past six years, the United States has created 20 chemical laboratories where biological weapons such as Coronavirus, smallpox, plague, cholera were created, which kill a person in a few seconds. These viruses were supposed to infect Philippine flies, placed in jars and dispersed using drones in the southern cities of Russia, in the Crimea and Krasnodar. America has already confirmed work in these biological laboratories. Later, a drug addict who sniffs cocaine and KVN comedian Zelensky came to power. The United States, having huge dirt on him and bribing for 1 million dollars, was able to take his soul as a Jew with giblets. After all, then all the Nazis will shout that there are no fascists in Ukraine because the president is a Jew. But a person of any nation can be a fascist! A Nazi is a person who is not against the Jews, this is a person against another nation! In March 2022, the Ukrainian military was supposed to attack Crimea and Donbass. There is confirmation of all this, documents, evidence, witnesses, video recordings. It turns out that the war was inevitable! Russia had no choice! Russian President Vladimir Putin made the right decision! Best defense is attack! On February 24, a hundred missiles hit exactly their targets: airports, airfields, military depots and NATO bases. We did not start the war in Ukraine, but we will finish it! Vladimir Zelensky immediately fled abroad. All his videos with appeals to the Ukrainian people are a pre-planned production. Then he will generally record them and do computer editing, removing and inserting the desired background! Many coincidences happened when the Russian military hit the 72nd psychological operations center, then immediately stopped from fraudsters (brokers and bank security services) calling Russians and stealing from bank cards! Ukrainians started a very powerful information war through social networks. Western websites Instagram and Facebook were deemed extremist and banned in Russia for supporting threats from Ukrainians and blocking any truth about the Russian army and Russian support for a special military operation in Ukraine. The Ukrainians accuse the Russians and President Putin of the attack, they say that they don’t need the Russian world, that there are no Nazis in Ukraine, they don’t need to be protected, they themselves will figure it out in their country, attacking Russia, a country 2 times smaller in population, is supposedly nonsense. However! All arguments in favor of the Russians are stated above! From the very first days, the US and Europe began to impose economic sanctions against Russia and its ally Belarus. By the way, the word sanctions in translation from English makes sense as military sanctions. However, those countries that supported the United States of America against Russia by imposing economic sanctions actually support fascism in Ukraine. The same sanctions will hit the economies of America and Europe. First moment. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the sale of Russian gas for Russian rubles. This means that the profit of the gas company Gazprom will grow four times. If the European Union refuses Russian gas, then the price of gas will increase the price how many times, and the Europeans will freeze from the cold. It is also worth talking about oil. But special attention should be paid to grain and oil. It seems that cold and hunger await Europeans this year. The crisis in America has been brewing for a long time, as the United States of America, during the coronavirus pandemic, printed more dollars in order to save the people and pay social support, which led to high inflation for the first time in 50 years. It was necessary to put the blame on someone, so the war was necessary. Over the past month, the price of oil in the US has increased several times. But most importantly, the corrupt officials of America and Europe are stealing the money of American and European taxpayers through black schemes through the supply of weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. In fact, no supply of weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine is made, only it is pretended, and the weapons themselves and humanitarian aid go either to the black market or to their warehouses for corrupt officials in America and Europe. Ukrainian refugees became victims of bandits abroad. People who fled from Kyiv and Lvov to Poland and Germany fell into the clutches of criminals. Prostitution, trafficking in children and human organs began to grow in Europe. Naive Ukrainians being abroad were not listed anywhere as refugees and were not tracked. For example, a taxi driver in Poland took a Ukrainian family to a field, where his friends killed adults, the girl was sent to an intimate salon to work as a prostitute, and the guy's kidneys were cut out. The European black market began to actively work in a criminal direction against foreigners, that is, the Ukrainian people. America discredited itself and pushed back into the Middle Ages by organizing the Inquisition. US President Joe Biden insulted and slandered Russian President Vladimir Putin 10 times. America threw Zelensky. Neither NATO nor the European Union will accept Ukraine. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that this is an economic war! It's bad that no one understands that Russia will win this battle with the West! America and Europe have discredited themselves, there will be no more trust in the US and European countries. The European Union fell for the bait of the West and got into a slurry of lies. Russia in the information war has blocked many foreign media from TV channels to Internet sites. In Ukraine, fakes were created, and American and European newspapers and magazines copied and spread lies. The question is how then to look into each other's eyes? The hostilities will end. Russia prevented the third world war. Although it has already begun, it is only called informational. And who will now trust the United States of America and the countries of the European Union, who will trust the American president and European ministers? The devil rules the ball in war. Satan demands blood. Everyone knows the fact that US President Joe Biden is a fascist and a Satanist and is a member of the Satanic sect Skull and Bones. The symbol of the American fascists is the skull and bones, the sign on the caps of the officers of the Nazi SS - double runes - zig. Yale University, where the headquarters of the Order of the Skull and Bones is located, where all new American fascists undergo a special initiation procedure. In fact, the American president, a Satanist and a fascist, in one person, makes a sacrifice to Satan in the person of the Ukrainian people, supplying weapons to Ukraine through NATO. The Great Cleansing is underway. We will immediately see all our internal and external enemies. All evil in Russia will disappear. A bright future is coming. Maybe it is worth thinking about the fact that Ukraine is to be annexed to Russia? Shouldn't we restore the USSR and be proud of the Soviet Union again? Only now without communism, but with God! We are Russian people, Orthodox! Adoniev Dmitry, missionary, analyst, marketer, NOD Будьте в курсе предстоящих событий и новостей! Присоединяйтесь к группе - Добринский храм
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